I realize I am extremely late doing the mandatory "how our Christmas went" post. Sorry.
Little Button is going to be one spoiled little baby. She got some Cardinals oneies, some more oneies, some bibs, a cloth book, a sock monkey, gift cards, and a Cardinals receiving blanket. I'm sure I'm forgetting something too.
I guess in general, Christmas went better than usual. We didn't play the whole, let's go to every party we are invited to. We even took some naps last weekend.
Monday mom and I went to the fabric store and between the two of us, we got enough material to make Button about 7 flannel blankets. I realize kids puke and poop on stuff but really, will she really need a different one for each day of the week?
Tuesday, I got her crib, dresser, and bookshelf ordered. It should be here sometime soon. Then, I'll get Matt busy putting it together. I also ordered a wall decal for her room.
We haven't really thought too much about names yet. We only found out she was a girl on last Thursday and then we were busy with Christmas and then it was back to work. I might keep that a secret anyway.
She still moves around a ton and I love it. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for her.
I got my mom's Etsy shop started. We still have to get a bunch of stuff added but you can check it out here Make sure to check back to see what else will be added.
Hope you all have a fantastic New Year!
And Button is a...........
We found out today that our little Baby Button is perfect. Button's heart, brain, fingers, toes, spine, head, and belly are all perfect. Button is quite the little wiggle worm already.
But there is a 90% chance that our little Button is a
I knew it. I can't wait to buy her some Christmas presents.
Hope you all have a Great Christmas! Our present came early this year.
But there is a 90% chance that our little Button is a
I knew it. I can't wait to buy her some Christmas presents.
Hope you all have a Great Christmas! Our present came early this year.
For your viewing pleasure
Matt and I went to the doctor Friday afternoon. We got to hear the heart beating. It's such a relief every time I hear it. The sonogram is set to happen Thursday.
You can still do the poll thingamajigger over there. ---->
There have been several people that have been slightly obsessed with seeing pictures of my belly. There is not now, nor will there ever be, pictures of me, pregnant or not, with my bear stomach showing. Sorry.
The Christmas rat race started for us Saturday. We went to my Grandparent's Saturday and Matt's Grandparents Sunday.
The first picture comes to you from my Grandpa and Grandma's house. I had thought that my belly was finally bigger than Matt's. But looking at this picture, it's hard to say for sure. I'm pretty sure we were both pushing our belly's out.
And here is a more, somewhat normal picture.
Today, I am 20 weeks pregnant and Baby Button is celebrating by doing flip flops in my tummy.
I absolutely can not wait to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. I haven't bought a thing because I wanted to wait until we found out. Seriously.
Button, School, ect.
I took my last final last night. I have to have about a 75 on it to get an A in the class. Hopefully I was able to pull that off.
I'm still undecided on what to do next semester. I really don't want to have to take an evening class. The class I signed up for in the evenings is about 30 minutes from where I work and 45 minutes from where I live. I'm due May 7th which is probably about the week of finals. What if I have little Button in class?
I have a doctor's appointment this Friday. Hopefully, all will go well. I still worry all the time. I'm 99% sure that I feel Button move though.
I only had to call our insurance (Tri-Care) around 37 times to get my first sonogram covered. As long as the doctor will say that I'm having my next sonogram for a reason that Tri-Care will cover, I will have one on the 22nd. If not, I'm not doing it. The first one would have cost around $1400. No thanks.
I put up a poll on the right sidebar of this page for you to vote if you think Button is a boy or a girl.
My mom had her first craft show this past weekend. It was a pretty good time. We did a lot of people watching, sold some stuff, and ate some movie theater popcorn. You can click here to visit her Facebook page. My goal is to have her an etsy website made before school starts back up.
I also need to get around to showing you all a picture of my big belly. I eat cookies everyday. It's amazing to be able to get away with it.
This weekend our holiday family togethernessism begins. No one better touch my stomach.
Hope you are all having a great week!
Pregnancy: 18 weeks
How far along? 18 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: Who knows? I gained probably more than average the first two months because I quit my weekend job and took up laying on the couch. I would say altogether, I've gained about 15 pounds.
How big is the baby? According to my phone Button is approximately 5 inches long and weighs about 5.3 ounces.
Maternity clothes? Oh gawd. I think maternity clothes are a big waste of money. I bought two pairs of jeans after I found out I was pregnant that are a size bigger than normal. They still fit without my belly band (for now). Although sometimes I unbutton them when I'm sitting at my desk. Especially right after lunch. I've bought a couple of shirts. I bought a couple pairs of yoga pants. A girl at work gave me a couple pairs of pants and a couple shirts. I can pretty much wear whatever to work, so I am going to.
Sleep: Well, I think I'm over the being exhausted all of the time. But at night, I wake up many times to pee. The dogs look at me like I'm nuts.
Best moment this week: Saturday afternoon nap.
Movement: I feel little flutters every now and then. It mostly happens while I am at work so I'm guessing Button doesn't like it here either.
Food cravings: In no particular order and not mixed together: hash brown casserole, Kit Kats, pickles, cookies, any sweets.
Gender: Don't know. Should find out the 22nd but I think it's a girl.
Labor Signs: Oh good gawd no.
Belly Button in or out? In, gross.
Stretch marks? On my boobaculs.
What I miss: Cigarettes and booze.
What I am looking forward to: My next doctors appointment and finding out if Button is a girl or boy.
Weekly Wisdom: Hmmm, I only feel dumber lately, not smarter.
Milestones: I wore a maternity shirt (and pants) for the first time to Matt's Christmas party on Saturday.
Current Annoyance: People that think it is cool to touch my stomach. I've snapped twice about that. (Told ya I would). Also, people who put their two cents in on stuff that's none of their business. For example, drugs vs. no drugs during labor and breastfeeding vs. formula.
Hope you all have a lovely week.
I worry about Button, a lot. Everyday.
Last night I had a bad dream. I won't go into details. I woke up crying. Matt asked me if something hurt. I told him no that I had a bad dream. That was around 5:30. I don't think I really went back to sleep.
This morning I had a mini-meltdown. It had been 4 weeks since I had been to my doctor. And I wasn't supposed to go back until next Friday. I called there and talked to the nurse. Told her what my problem was. Cried a little. She said to come in.
They found a heartbeat. Every thing's fine. Little Button was moving around a lot according to the doctor. I cried some more.
I told the doctor I thought I felt Button move sometimes. He said I probably did.
I also told him about Vinnie. Vinnie likes to lay his head on my stomach when I'm sitting on the couch. And lay on my stomach in bed. I told him he only weighs 7 pounds. The doctor said that it's fine for him to lay on me and he probably knows what's going on. I thought that was cute.
I asked the nurse if I was the biggest drama queen that they have ever had to deal with. She said, "No, far from it." So, I guess that's good.
The doctor says that my hormones should be easier to manage soon. It's horrible. If I'm not crying, I'm pissed about something or someone is annoying me. Usually Matt. And that's not good. I don't want to be aggravated or annoyed all the time.
Maybe that's why I haven't been posting as much. Cause I've been a mess. This shit is no joke.
But, most importantly Button is fine. My next appointment is in 3.5 weeks. Then I have a sonogram a week after that and we should be able to find out if it is a boy or a girl.
I'm going to try really hard not to worry. I really am. I'm guessing it's not good for me or Button.
Hope you all have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving!
being pregnant,
Talk to us Tuesday,
the husband,
School Blues
I've been really slacking in the school department. I got my first C in college (well, this time around) on a test last week. I only studied crammed from 30 minutes before the test. But in my defense, it was a hard test.
I just don't want to study or do homework anymore. It doesn't help that I can't remember shit anything anymore either. I only have 5 more weeks of class counting finals I think. I need to find the motivation to pull my head out of my ass the clouds and get with the program. I could still get an A in my classes.
After this semester, I have 6 classes left to take and then I'll have my Associates in Accounting, which was my first educational goal of several. No matter how I slice it, I think it will be the Spring of 2013 before I get those 6 classes done.
It's hard to work full-time and go to school. I can't even imagine throwing a child into the mix.
But I will make it happen.
I refuse to be a college drop-out again. Not that I regret dropping out first time but this is different. I'm 30 years old for Pete's sake. And I'd like to be some kind of role model for my child someday.
Anyramble, next semester I registered for two classes. I'm due the week of finals. One class is Access and it's every Saturday in March. I signed up to take this class before but ended up dropping it. It always sounded like a good idea to only have to go to a class 4 times. It's from 8 to 4. But when I was working part-time, it wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like. You know, giving up a whole month of weekends. Oh, by the way, I quit bar tending as soon as I found out I was pregnant. But now, I have no life on the weekends so I'm thinking I may be able to do it.
The other class I signed up for is on Tuesday nights. I'm taking it with a friend so we will ride there together. It is called Office Procedures. We refer to it as the "How to Use a Fax Machine class". Here is a description from the website that I copied and pasted:
"Students handle office activities using the networked and laptop computers in a simulated office environment. Students access software including word processing, electronic mail and calendaring, and other specialized software. Other topics include file management, reception, postal services, internet usage, travel and forms preparation."
I mean really, I'm quite proficient in Internet usage and e-mailing. I've tried everything for the last two years with my adviser to try to get out of this class. I asked to have my boss write a letter. I asked if there was anything I could substitute. I asked if I could pay her off. Not really but I'm guessing that wouldn't work either.
So, I'm going to take it. I'm guessing I won't have to think very much, which will be a good thing.
So, I'm hoping to find the motivation I'm looking for and do some homework or something this weekend.
Something Special
First of all, I promise my blog won't become all about Button and being pregnant. But as of right now, that's all I've got.
I went to the doctor last week. I got to hear the Button's heartbeat. It was really something special. I guess it was so special because it's another reminder that Button is doing fine.
We've been working on getting Button's room emptied out.
Well let me backtrack. We have three bedrooms in our house. One is ours. One was mine. And one was Matt's. The one that was mine is going to be Button's room. So I've been getting all of my stuff (guitars, books, cedar chest, ect.) out and moving to Matt's playroom. Matt's playroom has all of his toy tractors and Cardinal bobbleheads in it. And all of his Army stuff, lots of Army stuff. We've both boxed up stuff and moved to the garage. Matt's having a little bit of a hard time giving up his space. Although, he has a whole garage of his own that has cable and internet so I'm not so sure what the problem is. His Mom actually recommending boxing up all his toys and taking them to the garage.
I found this picture frame and I had to have it. It's the only thing we've bought for Button, so far.
I want to wait until we find out if Button is a boy or a girl before I start buying a bunch of stuff. We should be able to find out in about 6 weeks.
Random Fact:
A Kit Kat makes everything better.
Random Questions:
When will I actually look pregnant instead of just fat?
Hope you all have a great weekend!
On pregnancy, so far.
Thanks for all your well wishes and congrats on my last post!
A lot of people have asked me how I've felt. Well, the truth is I've felt fine. I haven't been sick at all. I have been tired and somewhat grouchy. But I think I haven't been as tired this week. This week is week 12. "They" say around this time I should start feeling better/having more energy.
I've been eating a lot. I don't really think it's because I'm hungry either. I think it's more or less just something to do. I figure that when you are pregnant, it's okay to look pregnant. And don't tell me that I'm going to have to lose all the weight I gain either. Because honestly, I don't care about that right now. When the baby comes, I'll probably be too busy to eat anyway.
People have been getting on my nerves a lot. For example, a lady I work with has a step-daughter that has a kid with one guy and is pregnant by another. She doesn't work or go to school. I think she's 21, barely. First of all, her being pregnant and me being pregnant are not the same, in my opinion.
Well anyway, this lady asked me something about being pregnant. I answered. And then she proceeds to tell me how huge her step-daughter as gotten. I told her if anyone called me huge, I'd snap. Then she asks me about my jeans fitting. I kinda lost it a little. I said that no, most of them don't fit anymore. Then I started crying, went back to my office, and shut the door. People are dumb. Is it really anyone's business if my jeans fit or not? I didn't say to her when she quit smoking, "Hey, you sure are turning into a lardass." In retrospect, maybe I should have. Maybe I'm just being an emotional drama queen but really, are people dumb or what?
I now suffer from Can't Remember Shit Syndrome.
I've also decided that if anyone decides it's cool for them to touch my stomach, I'll snap. And I mean it.
According to my phone, (I'm Expecting app) Baby Button is about 2.5 inches. How cute!
My doctor's appointment was cancelled last week because the doctor was delivering a baby. So I had to reschedule this Friday. I have a list of questions.
Hope you all have a great week!
I've been keeping a secret
I don't really know how to beat around this bush and tell you my secret so I'll just come out and tell you.
I'M PREGNANT. As in 11 weeks pregnant.
I don't really know how it happened, I mean I know how it happened but I didn't think it would happen.
TMI alert - I never had my period after I had a miscarriage. I peed on a stick before we went camping at my grandpas, which would have been about the time I should have had my period. I didn't pee a lot though. It said I wasn't pregnant.
So I didn't think anymore about it until a month or so later when I still hadn't had a period. So I took another test and it said I was pregnant. Unless it was the immaculate conception, I knew the date and I was 7 weeks at the time. (Vacation. Scamper. Just in case your wondering.) 7 weeks was a lot farther than I made it the first time.
I had blood work done. Everything looked good except my progesterone was a little low. But they gave me some pills to take for that.
I didn't get in to see the doctor until last Wednesday. And actually I just saw the nurse. She didn't really tell me a lot. Except not to eat a lot of bologna, by the way I hate bologna, and some other random stuff. She didn't try to find a heartbeat or anything.
Anyway, I pretty much demanded to know more. I was still pretty scared at this point and still am actually because of what happened the last time. So she scheduled me an appointment for last Friday for a sonogram.
Matt took off work and went with me. We saw the baby. It was moving. And it's heart was beating. And it has two hands and two feet. It's head is a little big but everyone says it's supposed to be and that it will grow into it. But big head or not, we are thrilled and trying to stay optimistic. The nurse thinks I'm due May 7th.
I'm sharing this on Talk to us Tuesday hosted by Impulsive Addict and Shawn.

Talk to us Tuesday - Randomnessism Edition
I've decided to link-up with Impulsive Addict and Shawn for Talk to us Tuesday again. Why? Because it's awesome and I can talk about whatever I want.

* We went camping this past weekend. The weather was perfect. We went to some friends of my parent's campground. They are all animal lovers, so that was nice. The pups got to run wild. They had a blast. When we got home Sunday, we all crashed.
* I'm so over fooseball already. Some of you may not know this about me, but I HATE football. I don't understand it. I think it's dumb and I think it makes people act dumb. I've already blocked two people from my Facebook feed because that's all they ever post about.
* On the other hand, GO CARDINALS! We are big Cardinals fans and I honestly I'm surprised they made it this far.
* School sucks. I feel like I'll never get done. Although, I only have 6 classes left. I'm seriously lacking in the motivation department this semester.
* My mom is going to start a new business venture. I'm super pumped about helping her out with that. I'll share more details soon.
Weekly Post
It seems like I've only been posting something once a week at the most. I'm such a slacker. I didn't even get around to posting for Talk to us Tuesday yesterday.
Not much has really been going on. Matt and I are both busy with school. The only night during the week we are home together is Wednesdays.
Last weekend he went camping/four-wheeler riding with my brother and some friends. I stayed home and did homework and cleaned the house. Lame. When did I turn into such a lameass?
Oh well, the pups and I got some snuggle time in.
Next weekend, we are going camping. Together. With the pups.
Speaking of pups, Miss Princess had to go to the V-E-T Saturday and get her S-H-O-T-S. She's lost more weight. Which, if you are new around here, is a good thing.
I saw this the other day when I was driving down the road. If you look closely, you can see a leg hanging out of the back of the truck. I'm pretty sure it was fake. I hope it was fake. But still, who does that?
That's about all I have. I just wanted you all to know that I'm alive and well (besides a slight head cold) and I have not completely forgotten about my blog.
Talk to us Tuesday - Runaway Vinnie
It's Tuesday again. That means it's time for the best link-up ever, Talk to us Tuesday with Impulsive Addict and Shawn.
I say it's the best ever because there are no rules. And let's face it, I'm not a rule follower.

This past weekend the hubby had his first drill with the National Guard. He left Saturday morning at 5:00 am.
At about 5:15 the pups were all whining that they wanted to go outside. So I got up and let them out. I sat on the deck with my head in my hands trying to stay awake while they took care of business. Princess and Ozzy both kept looking at me.
I open to the door to go back in and Princess and Ozzy run in. I yell for Vinnie. Nothing. I yell some more. Nothing. He usually comes running.
So I went through the house, to my garage, and turned the outside light on. I opened the door and immediately notice that the gait is open. At this point, I'm freaking out. He's just a little fella and it's a big world outside the fence.
I went wandering around the outside of the fence and then down the alley. Mind you, I'm in my pajamas, with no bra on, and it's dark outside. I'm yelling quietly (remember it's about 5:30 at this point).
I went back in the house, found my glasses, flip flops, and car keys. Then I called Matt to tell him he left the damn gait open. I didn't yell too much. Vinnie being missing probably hurt him enough.
Then I get in the car and drive around the block, stopping at every third house and yelling for him. I drove on the highway too, which is about a block away from our house. I just knew I was going to find him hit on the road.
So, I drove around the hood for about 10 minutes. I pulled in the back driveway and went into Matt's garage and turn some more outside lights on. I yelled one last time and there the little shit was. Skipping across the road, tail wagging, with a shit eating grin on his face.
As soon as he was back in our yard, I said, "You get your little ass in that fence right now mister."
Once he was in the fence, I told him, while shaking my finger at him, "You no, no, no runaway ever again. Mommy was real scared." He knew I meant business.
We went back to bed and he wanted to snuggle. He must have got into something while on his little adventure because he reeked. I told him he was in big trouble.
Talk to us Tuesday
Today I'm linking up with Impulsive Addict and Shawn for their brand new link-up, "Talk to us Tuesday". It's the best kind of link-up. As in, there are NO rules. Just blog and link up.

This past weekend we went camping at my grandpas. It was pretty awesome. Saturday afternoon, grandpa hooked his horses up to his wagon and took us on a wagon ride. I may have drank more than 1 or 2 mixed drinks on said wagon ride.
Grandpa let me try to drive them and it was like they were drunk. They were all over the road. (I wonder if I could have got a DUI for that.) Anyways, it didn't last long and we weren't on a road that cars go down.
Then when we got back, my cousin had shown up and was going to ride his horse. I thought it would be a great idea for me to go too. So, I rode one of my uncle's horses. His name was Cash, like Johnny Cash. He was well behaved.
But let me tell you, my back, knee, and butt hurt like hell the next day, yesterday, and even a little today. I don't think being a cowgirl is for me.
So, by the time we got back from riding horses, it was dark, I was drunk, and hadn't ate since breakfast. I had a bowl of soup and then took the pups to bed with me. That was around 9:30.
Hey, at least I didn't feel like garbage the next day.
Hi there, remember me?
Yesterday, someone left me a comment that I need a new blog up. Ooops. I politely emailed back that I have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest and I would add it to my to my to-do list.
So, here I am.
School, is back in full swing. That's been keeping me somewhat busy. After this semester, I think, I'll have 6 classes left to take, to reach my short-term goal.
My new position at work has been keeping me busy. And this week has been keeping me even busier. I won't bore you with the details.
Even the pups have been keeping me busy. Oh speaking of the pups, I updated their page at the top of my blog. Or click here.
Monday, was our anniversary. We've been married for 3 years. Sometimes it seems like 30, sometimes it seems like 3 weeks. But, I wouldn't trade him for the world. We didn't do anything special. But, that's just what I wanted. Just hung out, took a nap, and watched some TV.
We are going camping this weekend at my grandpa's. It's getting a little cooler so I'm supposed to bring a crock pot of soup. Not sure what kind yet.
There is one thing that I've been meaning to share. I think it's super annoying when people take pictures of themselves in public. Ask someone to take it for you. You look dumb. I guess it especially gets on my nerves when drunk people do it when I'm working at the bar. In the privacy of your own home, feel free to snap away. This may offend some of you but at least you'll know there are people like myself who find this annoying.
So there you have it, my words of wisdom for the day.
We Want to Know Wednesday

This week the questions are:
1. Do you prefer to text or call?
2. What is the last text message in your phone and who is it from?
3. What are your favorite phone apps?
4. At what age do you think kids are ready for a cell phone?
5. Share a current pic or video taken with your phone
2. What is the last text message in your phone and who is it from?
3. What are your favorite phone apps?
4. At what age do you think kids are ready for a cell phone?
5. Share a current pic or video taken with your phone
1. Do you prefer to text or call?
Text, for sure. Unless, I'm driving then I usually call. If I need to have a full conversation with someone, I'd rather call.
2. What is the last text message in your phone and who is it from?
"Tanks" From the hubby. And that is how he spelled it. It was a thanks for making him a hair appointment.
3. What are your favorite phone apps?
I just downloaded Go Keyboard so that my touchscreen keyboard is pink.
I also have Alarm Clock Xtreme which has a huge snooze button so there is no accidentally shutting the alarm off.
Colornote is awesome because I'm a list kind of gal. I always have some kind of post it note or list on my phone.
Amazon is another one I can't live without because you never know when you are going to need to look up random stuff to buy.
4. At what age do you think kids are ready for a cell phone?
I think kids are ready for a cell phone when they can pay for it themselves. I didn't get a cell phone until I could pay for it. And I turned out okay.
But, then again, I don't have a teenager to keep track of either.
But, then again, I don't have a teenager to keep track of either.
5. Share a current pic or video taken from your phone.
The last picture I took on my phone was the picture of the penis and testicles drawing on our camper window in the previous post.
The one before that was of Ozzy and Princess when we were camping three weeks ago.
Vandalism or Hilarious?
Sometime between Sunday around noon and Friday evening, someone decided to deface our camper. It's parked in a small driveway on the side of the house. And we don't inspect it everyday.
Someone, with too much time on their hands, took it upon themselves to draw a penis and testicals on our front camper window.
Someone, with too much time on their hands, took it upon themselves to draw a penis and testicals on our front camper window.
Matt told me he about it Friday evening. He said he had seen it earlier in the day. At first, it pissed me off. I even thought about calling the cops. But really, they'd probably just laugh.
Saturday I texted my dad because he was over Thursday and Friday before Matt and I got home. He was working on digging a trench for a water line. (Yes, my dad is that awesome.) I knew he didn't do it. He's not a very good texter either. And I like to aggravate him sometimes. So I texted, "Did you draw a cock and balls with soap on our camper window?" He replied, "No." I texted back, "Do you know anything about it?" He replied, "No."
Now I sort of think kinda think it is funny. I asked a few people that we know from town about it. They all laugh so why shouldn't I. Nothing else was done to the camper.
What do you think? Hilarious or Vandalism?
Back from Vacation
Last week was just what I needed.
Monday and Tuesday I lounged around, cleaned the house, took some naps, and threw some stuff away. I always feel better when I de-clutter.
Wednesday, Matt and I had to go to his old Reserves Unit and get some paperwork. Vinnie stayed there with his Sergeant First Class (she's been asking for a year to see him) while we went to re-enroll in DEERS and get our new ID cards. When we got back to pick up Vinnie, he was riding on a forklift with her. It was so cute. He promoted from Private Pup to Sergeant First Class Pup in one day.
We also had to drop my laptop off at the Best Buy. The port dealy where the plug in majigger goes is loose. So sometimes when I try to charge it I have to wrap the cord around the monitor. Hopefully, it's covered under the extended warranty that we purchased. It's not like Vinnie got tangled up in the cord when he was just a little feller and it fell on the floor or anything. Or maybe that did happen once.
On the way home, Matt and I went to a campground. My dad pulled his and mom's camper up and my mom and I stayed there alone Wednesday night. With no pups or husbands. It was nice. We really roughed it. Mom brought a couple subway sammys.
Thursday evening Matt brought our camper and the pups up. And my dad and a friend of my parents joined us on Friday. We stayed until Sunday morning.
From Wednesday to Sunday morning, I took around 5 naps. We also went to the beach for awhile. Did a little hiking until I fell and busted my ass. Ate more than we should have. Had a few adult beverages.
All in all, it was just what I needed.
Monday, I had to come back to work. It actually felt good to be back.
School starts next week and I already dropped one class. Mostly because I have to use Matt's old Floppy McFlopperson computer right now. No need to finish it all up too quickly. I mean I'm only 30.
And a big "Hello" to all of my new followers. Leave me a comment so I can come check your blogs out too.
army stuff,
just stuff,
lazy ass,
the husband,
the pups,
Guest Blogger No. 2
Today I have a guest blog from none other than Jessica at {Mis}Adventures of a Lifetime. We have folowed each other's blogs for almost ever. She's truly great person, funny, smart, witty, and I smile every time I read her blogs.
So here it is.....
Surviving a Loss
Loss. It comes in all shapes, forms, and sizes. Some forms of loss are easily identifiable - divorce and death, for example. Other forms of loss aren't as easy to identify. Illness, disability, moving, and retirement can all be forms of a major loss in someone's life.
Family and friends often feel helpless when someone close to them experiences a loss because rarely does one have control over the loss. When a loss occurs, society's attitude is to not talk about it, in fear that it's too upsetting. However, not talking about it only makes it harder to move on. Grief is a natural process which has no exact time frame and is experienced in unique ways by different individuals. Supporting a grieving person does not mean you can take away the pain. If supporting a grieving person doesn't mean taking away the pain, what does it mean?
How Can Family and Friends Show Support?*
- Listen, Listen, Listen! A person who has experienced a loss may need to tell his/her story repeatedly. Show you care by your attentiveness, gestures, and eye contact.
- Know when to be silent... sometimes it is best to say nothing at all. A grieving person may just want someone to listen.
- Be aware that grief has physical reactions as well as emotional reactions on the body. Physical reactions include: poor appetite, disturbed sleep patterns, restlessness, low energy, and other pains. Emotional reactions may include: panic, persistent fears, nervousness and nightmares. Encourage your friend or family member to call you or reach out when they experience these feelings.
- Encourage the grieving person to express pain and stress. By working through feelings such as anger, guilt, sadness, doubt and frustration, the normal process of grief and healing occurs. Continue to encourage communication.
- Understand that grief is an individual process that is bound by no exact time frame. This frame of time involves finding ways of living with memories and the pain associated with the loss.
- Reassure the grieving person that their feelings and reactions are normal and necessary for healing.
- Remember that specific dates or events such as the anniversary of the loss or the expected due date, may trigger an emotional response. Encourage communication during this time. Perhaps a card or small remembrance.
What are some suggestions for visiting someone at the hospital or at home who has experienced a miscarriage?
Just by acknowledging the family's experience and expressing your own feelings of sadness are acceptable. Sometimes when people say "I just don't know what to say," is the most helpful thing anyone can say. Other helpful suggestions include:
- Talk about the baby by his or her name.
- Talk about the hopes and dreams you had for the family and the baby. The parents want to know others share in their hopes and dreams, too.
- Read literature about miscarriage and bereavement.
- Make or buy something in memory of the baby to keep yourself or to give to the parents.
- Offer help with housework, cooking, child care, etc.
- Be sensitive to unpredictable emotional reactions by the grieving parent.
- Understand that sometimes a grieving person may want to be alone.
- Offer to keep baby memorabilia until the family is ready.
- Offer to return maternity clothing or other baby items.
What are some things I shouldn't say or do?
Following a loss, family and friends sometimes say or do hurtful things without meaning to. The following are some potential hurtful words and actions that you might want to avoid when supporting a grieving person:
- Not acknowledging the loss can be hurtful because for many parents it is important to have their experience recognized.
- Asking about how one partner is doing and not the other can be hurtful. "How are you, and how is your partner?" shows you care about both of them and you acknowledge they are grieving in their own way.
- There are no competitions in grief, each person's loss must be respected for the sense of loss and sadness it has for them. Therefore, certain sayings can be hurtful such as: "It was only a miscarriage, you'll get over it," "You're young, you can get married again," etc.
- Don't try to rush the grief process. This only causes more pain and feelings of confusion, loneliness and inadequacy.
Support is NOT:
- About giving advice.
- Criticizing what you have heard.
- Minimizing the event
- Using cliches e.g. "It was God's will"
- Talking about your own story of loss. Some identification may be helpful, but keep it to a minimum.
- Not allowing the person to express emotions such as guilt, shame, and anger.
- Taking over completely may cause potential feelings of helplessness and powerlessness.
- Fixing it (you can not take the grief away).
What are some other ways you have supported a friend or family member in a time of loss?
Kiss and tell...
Hi everyone! I'm on vacation this week. Matt's working Monday and Tuesday. So by vacation I mean, I'm mostly likely laying on the couch catching up on my DVR, maybe watching the Price is Right, and trying to clear my head. Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Today, I have an awesome guest blog from The Impulsive Addict @ Confessions from an Impulsive Addict. She's seriously one of the funniest bloggers that I follow. If you don't follow her, you're missing out.
So without further adieu....
Today, I have an awesome guest blog from The Impulsive Addict @ Confessions from an Impulsive Addict. She's seriously one of the funniest bloggers that I follow. If you don't follow her, you're missing out.
So without further adieu....
Have you ever broken up with a guy because he was a HORRIBLE kisser?
I have and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Kissing is my thing. I love it. I look forward to it. It sometimes leads to more things (HOLLA) but when you are dating someone that can't kiss, it ruins E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Are you with me ladies?
When I first met "Beefcake", I was enamored with him from the get-go.
He was super hot.
He was incredibly sexy.
He was hysterically funny.
He was surprisingly charming.
He was a cowboy (which was a first for me!)
And when he finally asked me out, I had dreams about us sucking face.
In my head, it looked similar to this picture:

So after dinner, we headed back to his place for a movie and wine. I had butterflies in my tummy. I knew after waiting patiently for this date to finally arrive, I was gonna make out with Beefcake TONIGHT on HIS COUCH!
And then, the moment that I had dreamed about happened!
And I almost threw up.
My whole entire face was wet.
I couldn't breath. He was literally suffocating me with his saliva.
Did he just come at me with an open mouth? Oh shiz. He did.
I stood up quickly and excused myself to the bathroom so I could dry off with a towel and think about my exit strategy. I couldn't believe that Beefcake was a face-licker. I was crushed (and still a bit wet behind the ears).
After returning from the bathroom, I made up the worst lie ever about why I needed to leave (forgive me sweet baby Jesus) and he looked confused but agreed to walk me out. I was dreading this because I knew what was going to happen as soon as I got to my car.
And just as I had predicted, as soon as he opened my door, he came at me with an open mouth similar to this picture
and what did I do?
I slammed the door.
Right in his face.
And I'm pretty sure I peeled out of his driveway.
He tried calling several times but I am no good at handling confrontation, so I chose to ignore the situation and just hope and pray that we NEVER run into each other again.
And we never did.
Please tell me you've had a similar experience?
And there is no need to judge me, people.
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