
Home Sweet Home

I'm back from visiting my hubby. We had a wonderful time. The Mariniers game was... eh well its the Mariniers. Far from the Cardinals or Busch Stadium. I got a new pink Sony Vaio laptop. Its very exciting and I can't wait to get it all just how I want it (music and whatnot).

Matt signed all the paperwork for the house while I was out there and I closed the deal yesterday. I now have the keys to our very own house. Now all that is missing is my hubby. We can hardly wait for him to get home and start living the dream.

I have a lot stuff I need to get for the house but I think I'm just gonna get a little here and a little there. I don't plan on moving to our home till my hubby gets home. So this way I have two months to get everything ready for US.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Congrats on getting a new home, that is so exciting!