Monday I'm working for a bit at my second gig. I might as well tell ya where it is. It's at the VFW; I'm a bartender there. They are opening early on Monday after the Memorial Day parade. So I'm working from Noon to 4. For the most part, I love working there. And the customers know I'm a military wife so they treat me good. I can't think of a better place to be on Memorial Day, for awhile.
Hopefully we can all remember the real reason for Memorial Day. So while we are enjoying the three day weekend, please try to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Have a great weekend!!! :)
Have a great weekend.
Have a great weekend.. I will be going to the cemetery to lay flowers on military graves with no flowers.. Its my thing and its a thank you for what our service men and women do for this country
Have a good Memorial Day weekend!
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