First and foremost, the Silver Bullet is alive and kicking. One of our buddy's grease monkeys fixed her.
We Matt bought the water pump and I assume anti-freeze and gave him a $100 cash. Our buddy guaranteed this guy could fix it. He wouldn't lie to us or try to screw us. So it cost us $155. Not bad. She runs like a champ again. And he even vacuumed her out.
This weekend we are going to an all day concert at the fairgrounds that is within
stumbling walking distance of our house. We got a pup sitter for Saturday night. Thanks Mommy! If we just had Ozzy he could stay home. He has a doggie door and he's content being home alone. Vinnie has to stay in his pen while we are gone because he's so tiny that he could sneak under the fence and he'd tear the house up. I made sure to tell her that little Vinnie is far from perfect.
I think we are actually going to bring the camper there and sleep in it. My brother is going to bring his too so it should be a good time. Hey, at least we won't be camping in the driveway again. There are 5 bands that are going to be there: Back Porch Mary, Jason Boland, Matt Poss, Zach Huckabee, and John D. Hale Band. I love, love, love, Back Porch Mary. I could not be more pumped. I'm just hoping the weather cooperates.
Over the last two weeks I received this award twice. Once from
A Lady in Waiting @ A True Long Distance Relationship and from
Whitney @ Everything Happens for a Reason. Thank you both so much! I never expected for anyone to read my blog besides my mom and husband so for people to give me awards and stuff is totally unexpected and appreciated.

The rules say to pass it on to 10 other blogs. I've seen this on about 75% of the blogs I read so I'm going to skip that. If you haven't received it, considered it yours. I wouldn't follow your blog if it were not "sweet".
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Glad the car got fixed without too much financial damage!
It's always nice to have a good-running car!
Enjoy the concert!
I'm glad the silver bullet is up and running!
glad the car is still alive! And congrats on the awards!
I'm glad your car is fixed.
I'm also a fellow military wife. My husband is in the Air Force.
Woohoo! That's great that the car got fixed and that it didn't cost a fortune.
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