It's been getting increasingly harder to keep Matt from
Vinnie is actually Ozzy's grandson. Ozzy is a full blooded Maltese. Vinnie's mom is Ozzy's daughter and Vinnie's dad is a full blooded miniature poodle, making Vinnie a Maltipoo. Matt wanted a wiener dog. I wasn't too fond of getting one because I've heard they have a lot of back problems, not to mention they shed terribly. Ozzy doesn't shed and he's hypoallergnic. I'm guessing Vinnie won't shed.
We got Vinnie last night. The plan was for him to sleep in the pet carrier. I don't want him in bed with us until he is old enough to know to wake us up when he needs to go outside and not to play. He cried terribly for about an hour. He would stop for about two minutes and then start back up. He sounded miserable. Matt said he couldn't take it anymore and he was going to sleep on the couch with him until he went to sleep. I told him to take Vinnie outside and then put him in bed with us. He slept for a couple hours and then woke up and started chewing on Matt's ear. Matt put him back in the pet carrier and then we all went back to sleep.
I'm getting a puppy pen today from work for him to stay in while we are at work. Ozzy is allowed the run of the house while we work and has a doggy door to go out and do his business. He doesn't make messes. (Matt may or may not leave the Animal Planet on for him to watch.) Vinnie is too little for that. I'm afraid he could get out of the fence. So puppy pen for him. He'll get used to it and when he gets bigger he will have more privileges.....

OMG so stinkin' cute!
What a cutie! Congrats on the new addition! :) How is Ozzy adjusting?
awwww what a cute puppy!!!!!! :)
Hes adorable!
Awesome!!! He probably won't shed, by the way ... poodles don't shed, and I don't think Maltese dogs shed either.
Too Too Cute!
We want one too, but we can't have a puppy in our apartment.
One Year left and then we can get a puppy!!!! :)
Aww, it would be hard not to spoil him rotten! Sooo cute! Our puppy is huge for a pup (American Bulldog)...I really love it when they are teeny tiny.
Aw, TOO cute!!
Ohh, so tiny and cute! How did you last this long without caving? Aww!
omg! So cute!! So jealous :)
So stinkin cute!!!!! I swear..he is darling!
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How adorable!!!
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