The rules of this one are to list ten thing that make me happy and then pass it along to ten different blogs.
10 things I love:
1. My husband. Duh.

3. Spring. We haven't had "spring" here in a couple years so I'm loving this one.

4. Ozzy. He's such a good dog.

7. My little brother... It still scares me how old he is getting. He's so responsible and such a hard worker. I wish I had half the sense he has when I was his age.

Now on to passing this along to ten blogs. Well, since I just spent too much time uploading all the pics and I've seen this award all over the place in the last week I might not make it to 10. We'll see.
Missy @ Everything But the Kitchen Sink
Kate @ Sometimes Life is Messy
Christina @ Sugar Sweet Thoughts
Dawn @ Must Love Tots
Rose @ Desert Rose Moments
Mrs B @ FromOurPlaceToYours
Dani @ Hard Corps Love
Bridget @ Always an Adventure
If you round up, that's ten. Have a great weekend!
Aww, thanks Steph! You're such a sweetheart! Cute pic of you and your hubby, and yay for supportive parents!, what a cute pic of you and your sis and your little bro, and for the fun friends and nutty family! I don't live in TX...but yay for concerts...love them.
Love your list! Congrats on the award!
I relate to so many of these things. Especially the part about loving Spring! Oh, and I couldn't live without my sister and little brother either.
Have a great weekend!
Good job!
BTW - The Phils are playing pretty well ... they have concerns in the bullpen, but heck, who can complain about first place right now?
opps another congrats come by and see!
Thanks for the award love! I love your picture answers!
Well thank you! I'm just now getting back on the bloggy train. I'll get to this soon.
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