
I've been keeping a secret

I don't really know how to beat around this bush and tell you my secret so I'll just come out and tell you.

I'M PREGNANT.  As in 11 weeks pregnant.  

I don't really know how it happened, I mean I know how it happened but I didn't think it would happen.  

TMI alert - I never had my period after I had a miscarriage.  I peed on a stick before we went camping at my grandpas, which would have been about the time I should have had my period.  I didn't pee a lot though.  It said I wasn't pregnant.

So I didn't think anymore about it until a month or so later when I still hadn't had a period.  So I took another test and it said I was pregnant.  Unless it was the immaculate conception, I knew the date and I was 7 weeks at the time.  (Vacation. Scamper. Just in case your wondering.) 7 weeks was a lot farther than I made it the first time.

I had blood work done.  Everything looked good except my progesterone was a little low.  But they gave me some pills to take for that.

I didn't get in to see the doctor until last Wednesday.  And actually I just saw the nurse.  She didn't really tell me a lot.  Except not to eat a lot of bologna, by the way I hate bologna, and some other random stuff. She didn't try to find a heartbeat or anything.

Anyway, I pretty much demanded to know more.  I was still pretty scared at this point and still am actually because of what happened the last time.  So she scheduled me an appointment for last Friday for a sonogram.

Matt took off work and went with me.  We saw the baby.  It was moving.  And it's heart was beating.  And it has two hands and two feet.  It's head is a little big but everyone says it's supposed to be and that it will grow into it.  But big head or not, we are thrilled and trying to stay optimistic.  The nurse thinks I'm due May 7th.

I'm sharing this on Talk to us Tuesday hosted by Impulsive Addict and Shawn

I go to the doctor Friday and I'm hoping he will tell us that everything should be okay.  If you pray, please say a prayer for Baby Button. 


Macey said...

Yay for big headed babies that swim around and wave at you!! I was JUST thinking about you this morning and hoping you were sicker than a dog. LOL! Doesn't that mean your hormones are good?

CeCe said...

As soon as I saw the title of this post I knew it. It's going around all my blogger buddies at the moment and this time you are IT! Congrats.

Impulsive Addict said...

I held on to privileged information!! I'm so glad you revealed it today!! YAAAY for Baby Button!

I have low progesterone when I get pregnant too. I have to catch it asap or it will result in a miscarriage. You just relax and enjoy. This will be an exciting time for you!! Just remember to not drink alcohol. I forgot a couple of times. ;)

We want to see the sonogram pics next time!

Thanks for linking up with us! xoxo

Jill said...

Congratulations! What awesome! I hope all goes well this time - such exciting news!!

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

AW I LOVE NEWS LIKE THIS!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! What an amazing moment to hear the heartbeat and see the lil' bug moving on the screen. Best wishes and lots of prayers!! Its hard not to stress out because we all worry when we're pregnant but just take it easy and relax and stay positive! :)

Connie said...


I love baby news!

Shawn said...

This is the best TTUT story I have read! I am so thrilled for you and your hubby! Now take it easy, take your vitamins, eat healthy and enjoy every last minutes of creating a life!

VandyJ said...

Congrats! Here's to a healthy next eight or so months!

Megan said...

Congrats! I have my fingers crossed and am saying a prayer for you that everything goes great this time around!!

Robin said...


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! Love hearing Baby News on TTUT!!!

Take care of yourself and take the progrsterone - I had to for 2 of my pregnancies b/c mine was low too.


Pink Champagne, Gatorade, and MRE's said...


Michelle said...

As I said before congrats! I am truly happy for you guys. :)

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! And WOW!!!!!!!!!!! What great news! Having been in that boat, pregnant after m/c, it's hard and you're so paranoid, I know exactly how you feel. Almost like you're afraid to be excited. But it sounds like things are good and that is so great!!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! How exciting!!! Congrats to you guys.

I'm going to throw Boobies out there if it's a girl. Just sayin. ;)

Krista said...

Congratulations! Yeppie for a Baby Button! Their little bodies really do look so mispositioned at first as they're growing in your belly, but it'll get better.

How exciting!

Amber said...

Congrats on the good news! I hope you have a smooth and healthy pregnancy!

Newlywed and Deployed said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news and sending prayers your way! :)

Nuke Girl said...

YaaaaayyyyY!!!! So excited for you! And so sorry to hear about your miscarriage too (since I'm still trying to make up for so much lost time!). :( But this is like an answer to prayer, is it not! I will definitely be praying that all goes well for you and Button. :)

Unknown said...

Squee!!!! That is WONDERFUL news. Hoping that you have a healthy happy pregnancy and a little one in your arms come May!!!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Yay!!! Congrats!! That's so exciting! I know how much you were wanting this!

Jessie said...

Oh my gosh, congrats!!!!!!!

Nicole said...

so this obviously answered all my questions. congratulations!! i am so happy and excited for you! many blessings for a healthy and safe pregnancy!