
Vandalism or Hilarious?

Sometime between Sunday around noon and Friday evening, someone decided to deface our camper.  It's parked in a small driveway on the side of the house.  And we don't inspect it everyday.

Someone, with too much time on their hands, took it upon themselves to draw a penis and testicals on our front camper window.

Matt told me he about it Friday evening.  He said he had seen it earlier in the day.  At first, it pissed me off.  I even thought about calling the cops.  But really, they'd probably just laugh.

Saturday I texted my dad because he was over Thursday and Friday before Matt and I got home.  He was working on digging a trench for a water line.  (Yes, my dad is that awesome.)  I knew he didn't do it.  He's not a very good texter either.  And I like to aggravate him sometimes.  So I texted, "Did you draw a cock and balls with soap on our camper window?"  He replied, "No."  I texted back, "Do you know anything about it?"  He replied, "No."

Now I sort of think kinda think it is funny.  I asked a few people that we know from town about it.  They all laugh so why shouldn't I.  Nothing else was done to the camper.

What do you think?  Hilarious or Vandalism?


CeCe said...

Hilarious and not vandalism since it's not permanent. Probably just some silly kids. Some things you just have to laugh at.

Jill said...

I probably wouldn't be impressed either at first - but I can see the humour in it! Especially the text to your dad! haha!

Impulsive Addict said...

I'm with Mimi. It's hilarious that you texted that to your DAD! HAHAHA! I wouldn't consider this vandalism. It was just some jerk kids trying to be funny. And it really is!!! lol

AiringMyLaundry said...

I think it's pretty funny.

If it were permanent though, it wouldn't be so funny.

AiringMyLaundry said...
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Anonymous said...

Honestly? I think it's hilarious! Why? Because I did that on a dew covered car at the airport in Spain. It wasn't permanent, just funny! :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

If it was in anything except soap, I'd say it was vandalism. But it was probably someone just having a laugh.

Megan said...

I agree with most people here on thinking it is just hilarious becuase it is not permanent. Things like that can be fun or hurtfull so people just have to be carefull, and one reason I think it is so hilarious is becuase you had to ask people if they knew who did it there for just....sorry had to laugh for a second at the thought of having to ask someone if they drew a penis and testicals on my camper window....I don't quite know how you did it becuase I wouldn't of be able to keep from falling over with giggles.

Thanks for yet again another blog post that makes me smile, I always love your post!