
Taking Notes

Yesterday I got a phone call from the college I go to. They want me to takes notes in one of my classes this coming semester for a boy in my class. At first I was a bit confused. They want to pay me to take notes for this boy. According to my calculations, I would be getting paid a little more than the cost of the class. Heck yeah, sign me up.

I never skip class so this will be even more of a reason to pay attention. I'm not sure what this kid's story is. I asked if he was deaf and the lady I talked to told me no. Maybe he is dyslexic or maybe he is missing both arms. Surely, he can't be too dumb or he wouldn't be in college. Well, I take that back. There are some pretty big dummies at my school.

They are sending me a carbon copy notepad in the mail and some paperwork I have to fill out to get a check. It seems like easy money to me.

I'm pretty pumped though. I've been applying for a ton of scholarships since last semester but most of them are for the fall semester. I should know in the next couple months if I will be receiving any scholarships for then. Keep your fingers crossed!


Tattoos and Teething Rings said...

Get paid to do something you'd already be doing? Sounds great to me! Good luck getting scholarship money, if I had the extra money I think I'd finish my degree just for the fun of it.

lola said...

Oooh, that's awesome! :)

Nicole said...

that's interesting! i wonder what his story is? maybe he's a celebrity and doesnt want to cause a commotion? i'd go with that story, i like it best.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I know someone at my old college who got paid to do this. Usually the student was in the help program. That's awesome you'll be getting paid!!

Christina said...

YAY! Sounds like a sweet deal!

Random Musings said...

WEEHOO what a great deal!

Los said...

Getting paid to take notes is great. At Penn State, we had a store called "Nittany Notes," which basically had people take notes for most classes and then reproduced them for people to buy. My college roommate kept them in business with his note-buying.

Bridget said...

What a great opportunity,not only will you make some extra cash but also really helping out this boy regardless of his situation.

Mrs. Mootz said...

Sounds like a good way to make some money and help someone out! Good deal all around :)