
Where does the time go?

I've a few requests for a blog.  Also, a few, "Are you still alive?"

I'm alive.  All is well.  Just been busy spending time with our baby girl.

Since I've blogged last.....

We've went camping,

been cheering for the Cardinals to win another World Series,

sleeping all night in our big girl bed, (sigh....)

wore shoes, and went shopping,

and celebrated Aunt Shelley's Birthday.

I'll do a real update soon.  Promise.  

Hope you are all doing great!


Macey said...

LOVE how she's inspecting her shoes!

Jill said...

Who has time for blogging when you've got that little doll at home to spend time with?! She's adorable, Steph. Glad to hear you've been having spending time as a family and soaking her up!!

Jessica said...

Love getting updates from you! She's gets more and more adorable each time you post...and I'm SO proud of you for getting her in her crib..in your own timing!

Jessica said...

Love getting updates from you! She's gets more and more adorable each time you post...and I'm SO proud of you for getting her in her crib..in your own timing!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Yay, glad you updated!

Megan said...

SOOOO CUTE!! You would not fine me on blogger either if I had that cute little sweet girl to play with!!!

Mrs. Match said...

Camping with a baby! Good for you!! She's growing up so stinking fast.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Yay! Hey girl, shoot me an email I wanna send you some mail!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, she is growing so fast! She just gets cuter and cuter!

Impulsive Addict said...

Oh my heart melts when I see pics of her! She is PRECIOUS! Love those shoes! I always caught myself checking if Em still had them on every 2 minutes. She's getting so big, Momma!